Monday 5 November 2012

Cambodia Trip CIP Day 2

Day 2 started off as a wet morning as it had rained the previous night. As a result, the CIP site was thoroughly muddy. However, we are very eager to see the kids again and continue with our tasks. As usual, we separated into 2 teams; 1 team is responsible for painting the T-house while the other team is tasked with teaching the children.

With this being the 2nd day, the children are now noticably more comfortable with us. The chilren were enthusiastic and even volunteerily taught us basic Cambodian language (e.g. cap, table, chair, staircase, key etc) during the lesson.  Our teachers also guided us along in teaching the children and provided us with tips on how to improve our lessons.

We continued with our T-house painting project under the supervision of our teachers. For today, we completed scrapping away the old paint and applied a layer of sealant. The purpose of the sealant is to fill gaps in the wall, make it more water- and corrosion-resistant, as well as to provide an adhesive effect for the fresh paint. We enjoyed working together as a team towards a common goal.

Despite getting tired and dirty at the end of the day, we are satisfied with our progress and are looking forward to seeing the end product of our project.

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